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What To Expect When You Move To Rural America

What To Expect When You Move To Rural America

My name is Travis, and I’ve been a rural resident for ten years, and moving to a small town is the best decision I have ever made.

That doesn’t mean it was an easy decision to make. Choosing the nomadic lifestyle meant that I’d be away from my extended family members, my nana, and her famous chicken pot pie. 

It can be extremely stressful for anyone thinking about settling in rural America, especially without the right information. 

Here are a few things I knew before moving

Traveling hours for food or shopping: Online shopping isn’t as popular. There’s a superstore around every corner in the city, or there’s a website to order online.

I had to travel, LOL! To find a grocery store. While this isn’t true for a very small town, it was a journey if you live on a farm far from the. When I needed some groceries or pizza back in the city, I ordered some online or drove a short distance to a mall.

The total opposite of what I experienced living in a small town. It’s a norm in small towns, especially in remote areas, to drive a great distance for food, shopping, entertainment, and more.

In some areas, the drive can be as long as 3hrs. And on those days when I had particular cravings, I had to go to another town to have a  burrito from a particular food joint.

Juicy burger and lemonade

Limited Public Transportation: Unlike the big cities where public transportation was how we got around, you’ll need to buy your own wheels—A car, bike, bicycle, to move around.  The public transportation system in small towns isn’t impressive at all. And I understand why. The small population doesn’t demand heavy public transportation, so everyone just drives their car.

For the first six months of going rural, getting around was a big challenge. I had to rent a car a few times, which was quite expensive. But I soon got a vehicle, and moving around became easier.

Rural Transportation

It’s not necessarily safer: Don’t get me wrong, small-town residents are lovely people. They are kind, friendly and everyone knows everyone. But as with every place with different people, one or two persons just exist to cause others to harm.

There’s a preconceived notion that small towns are safer than big cities. And before I moved down here myself, I heard people never locked their doors whenever they left home. From my experience, I would say that, although there may be no elaborate kidnappings or drug cartels in small towns, it’s not exactly crime-free. People still get mugged now and then.

Times are changing, and crimes are happening across all geographical areas (big cities or small towns). You must prioritize your safety. Lock your doors when you leave home and report any suspicious activity to the local police. Enough talk on the shocking revelations. Let’s move over to the things that rocked my boat when I moved here.

Nature: Let’s face facts, small towns aren’t as populated or developed as the big cities. And with the large expanse of undeveloped land and greenery, there’s inspiration coming from all angles.

There’s enough space to own a garden and plant as many flowers or crops as possible. I have a full view of my garden from my home office. And it’s refreshing to have something that beautiful to look at when working. For me, it’s a constant stream of inspiration and creativity. And most Saturdays, I and a few friends go over to an open field for a picnic.


Nomad Internet: I’d be honest, internet connection was an issue when I first moved. “Crappy rural internet” is a thing. Well, until I found Nomad Internet. I heard about Nomad Internet from a friend who travels a lot, the RV kind. Nomad Internet is primarily for on the road travelers and people who live in rural areas.

At first, I was skeptical about them, but after doing some researches and read couple of reviews online, I knew I had to give them a try. I ordered my router using the code WELCOME25 for a $25 discount. It arrived within five days, easy to setup, and my internet problems were immediately resolved. I stream on multiple devices, work from home, video chat with my nana and send large files using my Nomad Internet router.

Nomad Air Modem white

Peace and a slower pace of living: I preferred a more relaxed and quiet life. The hustle and bustle of the big city weren’t my favorite. I’m more relaxed, happy, and less anxious.


    Small town living isn’t for everyone. I wish more people understood this. I’ve had friends who came to rural America and decided they loved rural living. Do your research before moving to a small town. If you have to, test out the lifestyle before permanently moving your belongings and family.

    We love living in small towns: the fresh air, simple life, and over-caring neighbors. Nomad internet has made my experience better. I can keep in touch with family, take classes and earn a living.

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