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Retired and Finally Hitting the Road in Your RV?

Retired and Finally Hitting the Road in Your RV?

Congratulations! You planned a long time for this, and your dream is finally coming true. Whether you’re looking to snowbird for the winter, cruise across the country in search of new adventures, enjoy breathtaking scenery on hidden back roads, or simply explore a new region, there’s one thing to keep in mind. Internet service.

What? Yep, internet service. One of the things you might not have considered is that signal strength isn’t the same in every location. In a lot of country and rural areas, you may only have a signal from one carrier. What if it’s not the carrier you’re a part of? Right. That’s a problem. Don’t let this sway you, because we’ve got an all-encompassing answer that’s about to make your life easier. In fact, be sure to check out our free internet reviews. Speaking of free, you can also see how to earn free internet when you become a member of our community and refer others.

Don’t you love how you can do basic things like check your postal mail online these days? Sure, if you have a good signal. And it’s so convenient to pay your bills from anywhere—when you have a solid connection.

These are some of the reasons why it’s important to know which network is best for internet services.

Do you like video conferencing with the grandkids? It’s great when you have full signal, but not so great when the picture starts freezing because your signal dropped out.

Before you hit the road for your next adventure, take time to learn the ins and outs of internet in the country, so you know where you might run into issues. Then, check out our community that boasts over 100,000 satisfied clients and no contracts and learn about how we can help.

How does it work?

Here’s the beauty of our plans. When you sign up with a regular cellular provider, your signal is only available where their signal is good. That means that if it drops out, but another provider is strong in that area, you’re simply out of luck. What we do is work with all four of the big networks, using their technology, and create an umbrella plan for you. So, no matter where you roam, whichever provider’s signal is strongest in the area, you’re covered by it.

We saw a problem and found a solution. Too often, people in rural areas, out in the country, were overlooked. A lot of the big networks didn’t invest in covering all these smaller communities and left them to another provider. We decided the best way to handle the situation was by tying them all together into one group plan, so you get the best of whichever provider is strongest in your current area—no matter where you travel.

If you have any questions, we’d be glad to help answer them. We also have a portal with frequently asked questions that you can check out as well. You can find that here.

One final note worth pointing out, we offer hotspots and modems, but we also have a bring your own device plan if that’s something you’re interested in doing. You can find out more about the devices we offer and other details here.

When you’re ready to take the hassle out of on-the-road internet for your RV no matter where you are in the country, Nomad Internet has you covered. Don’t just take our word for it, check out all our great reviews. With a high customer satisfaction rate, we’re thrilled our customers love us. You will too.

And speaking of RV fun, here’s a neat fact for you. According to, 1910 is the date when the first motorized campers were built. That’s over 100 years ago! Of course, they were for a little bit of a different reason, since there were no highways, and it’s not like there were a ton of paved roads or gas stations close by.

We’ve come a long way when it comes to technology! And thankfully Nomad Internet makes your technology easier than ever to use, even in the country. Contact us today to get started.

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