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15 Ways to Make Working from Home Fun!

15 Ways to Make Working from Home Fun!

Working from home can be difficult. However, it’s important to have fun with it! Making working from home more enjoyable will increase your productivity and lower your stress levels.

Here are 15 ways of how to make working from home fun!

  1. Take Breaks
  2. Plan Your Day
  3. Dress Like You’re at Work
  4. Take Care of Yourself
  5. Decorate Your Space
  6. Make a Work Playlist
  7. Stay Social
  8. Get Good Sleep
  9. Switch Up Your Workspace
  10. Take Time for Hobbies
  11. Use Focus Apps
  12. Follow Your Planned Day
  13. Try a Work from Home Game
  14. Spend Time with Pets or Family
  15. Get Competitive with Yourself

1. Take Breaks

Working from home means you can often get caught up in your workload and forget to take breaks. Taking breaks is important, and it’s a great stress reliever. It helps break up the monotony of the work day, and provides you with time to do the things that you want to do. Spend some designated time on social media, doing a hobby, or even catching up on a few episodes of a TV show.

2. Plan Your Day

Planning your work day out ahead of time can save you considerable time and stress. Working from home is often very unstructured. It may be difficult to find a good balance and schedule between working and personal time. It’s easy to spend more time working while at home than you would in the office. Planning ahead of time will keep you in check and on track!

How to make working from home more enjoyable | Nomad Internet

3. Dress Like You’re at Work

For many of us, the act of going to work requires dressing up in some sort of way. Mimicking a work day will help you get into the working mindset. This helps you be more productive and feel more comfortable while working. However, sometimes if you need a more relaxing, fun day, it can be a good idea to make the day a pajama day instead!

4. Take Care of Yourself

It’s important to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself while working from home. It's easy to let self-care sit on the back burner rather than be at the forefront of what you need to do. Self-care is just as important as the work you’re doing for your job. It keeps you happier, and having a healthier, relaxed self will make working from home fun. Try scheduling a day of the week to dedicate to self-care, such as doing face masks and taking a nice bath!

5. Decorate Your Space

One easy way to make working from home fun is to decorate your work space. Have a designated space where you will do your work, as if it is your own little office. Whether this is a spare room in your home that you turn into a work area, or even just your kitchen table, make this designated space into your own. Decorate it with plants, a calendar, and inspirational notes to keep you inspired and ready for the work day.

6. Make a Work Playlist

One great benefit of working from home is the opportunity to play music. Creating a work playlist is a great way to make working from home more enjoyable. Decide on what kind of music puts you in the working mood, whether it be relaxing or music that gets you pumped up, and create a whole playlist. Playing music instead of working in silence makes you more productive and the experience more fun.

7. Stay Social

It’s easy to let our social lives start to slip when we are no longer in an office space. Make sure that you stay in constant contact with your coworkers, friends, and family. During work time, have a chat going with your coworkers to simulate an in-person working environment. During breaks or when the work day is over, make sure to call and interact with friends and family for added enjoyment.

8. Get Good Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep will help work be more fun. Being well rested will make you feel more productive and ready for the day. Feeling prepared is going to help you find joy in the work you’re doing, instead of getting burnt out quicker because you’re exhausted. Make sure to get at least eight hours of good, uninterrupted sleep.

How to enjoy working from home | Nomad Internet

9. Switch Up Your Workspace

If you’ve tried decorating and designating a workspace and you’re still getting burned out and finding work not as fun, trying switching up your workspace for somewhere new, or even getting rid of your chair. Using a standing desk, changing rooms, or even changing the decorations where you currently are are all ways to make working from home more fun.

10. Take Time for Hobbies

During your scheduled breaks or during downtime, try taking time to do the hobbies you love. If you love crocheting, you could incorporate your current project into your work schedule. If you love playing an instrument, you could use one of your breaks to practice. Taking time to do your hobbies will make you feel like your work day is more fun and enjoyable.

11. Use Focus Apps

It can be difficult to focus on work while home, which can cause much stress. Apps such as Freedom block other apps on your phone that may be distracting you, while apps such as Forest come up with creative ways to keep you focused. Staying focused will help you be more productive.

12. Follow Your Planned Day

Treat the day as if you’re truly at work. Take time for breaks, meal times, TV time, and even social time that you would've gotten through day-to-day interactions with your coworkers. Following these planned out options is one easy way to make working from home fun.

13. Try a Work from Home Game

Playing a work from home game can help keep you motivated and having fun. Work from home games can include just about anything from giving yourself (or coworkers!) points for doing so many tasks, completing work from home bingo, or even doing social media challenges that you find online.

Ways to Make Working From Home Fun | Nomad Internet

14. Spend Time with Pets or Family

If you have pets at home, taking time to play with your pets and relax is a great way to make working from home fun. Letting them sit with you while you work is another way to relax. If you don’t have pets, but have family at home or within reach, try incorporating them into your day in a similar way.

15. Get Competitive with Yourself

Finally, getting competitive with yourself is an excellent way to make working from home fun. Set goals for yourself, and when you complete them, reward yourself with a prize. Try to see how fast (and efficiently) you can get a task done. Staying competitive can make working from home feel like a game!

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