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How to Surf the Internet Safely?

How to Surf the Internet Safely?

The emergence of the Internet introduced both positives and negatives, especially on security-related matters. Whereas it interconnects your security systems such that you can access them from any location, it can also be a security threat. If a malicious hacker manages to access your systems, they can execute any action as they desire.

A common mistake that Internet users make is to assume that spyware and other malicious software only rest in shady websites that they never visit. The truth is that spyware hides in many places across the Internet. Once installed on your devices, hackers can use it to steal private data, including bank account details.

You should surf the Internet safely to prevent this from happening. Consider the following for safe browsing.

1.   Turn on privacy settings.

Just as marketers love gathering as much information from you as possible, so do hackers. Both maintain a keen eye on your browsing activities and social media usage for effective targeting. For them, any information about their target is useful. That implies they do not think twice before harnessing your private data.

Luckily, you are in charge of how much information a hacker or marketer can get from you. Mobile operating systems and web browsers have a setting feature that you can explore to maintain your privacy.  Facebook, Twitter, and most social media platforms also have the privacy settings option. 

Most privacy settings usually are deliberately hidden, and you have to dig a little bit deeper to get them. Keenly look for them and make sure the safeguards are turned on.

2.  Use a secure Internet connection.

The kind of Internet installation done in your home ought to be a secure one. Using an insecure connection to fill details like bank account number exposes you to the risk of this information getting stolen.

You can secure your home Internet by considering some measures. For starters, do not use the default name of your home network. Change the SSID as well as the password. When you change the name, hackers have a difficult time determining your router type.

More importantly, avoid naming conventions such as "Mark's Wi-Fi." Doing so gives them a one-time clue that the Wi-Fi belongs to you when there are multiple connections.

Activate network encryption to take your protection to the next level. Always go for the WPA2 encryption mechanism as opposed to WEP. The current security standard is WPA2 AES.

3.  Watch out your downloads

Most hackers lack the skills to connect to your system directly. They depend on tricking you into downloading a file containing malware, after which they can execute their dubious intent. One effective way to keep them out of your device is to take caution regarding any downloads.

Never download software or apps that are designed suspiciously or originate from suspect websites. You may even want to read a couple of reviews before downloading any app to your device.

4.  Only buy from secure websites.

The fact that hackers can potentially steal your information does not mean you live in fear of buying things online. After all, the rapid development of eCommerce has introduced more convenience that you may want to take advantage of.

As you make online purchases, only do so from secured websites. Browsers such as Chrome and Firefox can inform you at a glance the security status of a site. Look at the URL left-hand side for the padlock sign. The icon implies that the website has SSL certificates installed, and information transmitted is encrypted.

You may also want to look at the URL, whether it is an "HTTP" or "https." The 's' in https stands for security. You can reliably input your details on such a website.

5.  Update your antivirus

Without a doubt, you need to install an antivirus on your laptop or computer. That alone is not enough. Letting the antirust run on outdated databases is a security threat on its own. Regularly update your antivirus to remain ahead of hackers.

Also, remain up to date with your Operating System's updates. These act as a crucial layer of protection.


Safely Surfing the Internet does not need any rocket science. The simple practices that one may brush aside help in determining how secure you are.  Observe these five essential tips when surfing the Internet for your safety.

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