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How Can I Get High-Speed Internet in Rural Areas?

How Can I Get High-Speed Internet in Rural Areas?

When residing in a rural area or when planning to relocate to a rural area, one of the things that are sure to haunt you is how to get a reliable Internet connection. That is particularly true for those planning to work from home or are heavy Internet users. Without a doubt, urban areas seem to have more advanced connectivity infrastructure than rural places. Rural Internet has, for a long time, remained underdeveloped until recently. Nomad Internet has taken the lead in ensuring rural areas no longer lag behind.

Just a decade ago, the only Internet connection method available was dial-up, achieved via a telephone line. The assumption here was that the same connectivity that telephone companies used to connect homes might be leveraged to bring home the Internet. However, as it turned out, that plan was not a success. Dial-up Internet was slow and barely met the high-bandwidth requirements of modern applications. Programs such as Skype, Xbox, and home entertainment like Netflix and Internet TV require a lot of bandwidth.

Thus, what rural internet options are available to those living in a rural area? Here is a look at various Internet for rural areas solutions.

Hotspots and Routers

One of the best ways to get fast Internet in rural areas is to reside within a region that has 4G or 3G coverage. Those living in such an area can leverage devices that tap into this connection for better speeds.

At Nomad Internet, we have the latest technology hotspots and routers that connect to nearby cellular towers to serve your home with LTE data connection. Our collaboration with the four leading carriers empowers us to serve you with the strongest connection available to you. 

Our hotspots and routers save you from the traditional approach where you had to use your smartphone for tethering purposes. Most carriers do not have data plans for tethering. Those that do tend to charge on the high end. We are glad to have lessened rural areas from that burden.

Mobile Broadband

You can use a broadband card to get high-speed Internet in rural areas. All that you need is a Mi-Fi or USB dongle, and you are good to go. As the leading cellular Broadband reseller, Nomad Internet gives you access to powerful USB dongles that are sure to meet your Internet needs. These devices are barely the size of a credit card to make them easy to carry around for the traveling Nomad.

Keep in mind that unlimited phone data is not the same as unlimited home data. The unlimited plans associated with your phone is meant to be used specifically on that phone. In our case, we offer mobile broadband plans that you can share with the rest of your family. Being unlimited, you get to surf the Internet, stream videos, play video games, and work from home without ever worrying about running out of data.

Long-range Wi-Fi signals

Some rural areas have neither cabled Internet nor stable coverage by their carriers. In such areas, reputable Internet service providers such as Nomad Internet resort to using long-range Wi-Fi signals.

With this approach, we place an antenna on top of your home, which receives Wi-Fi signals transmitted miles apart. A cable then runs from the antenna to a router installed within your home. Wi-Fi signals then emit from the router, serving your house with the much-needed Internet connection.

That is a concept that works best with businesses running in remote regions or people who live in remote sites. If you have a second home in the rural, you may consider it. It serves as an alternative to satellite Internet, mobile broadband, or hotspots and routers.

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