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Be Prepared for Nasty Weather

Be Prepared for Nasty Weather

If you just moved across the country or travel often, you may face weather conditions different from what you are used to back at home. If you are lucky, the weather would be better, but if not, you’d need to be prepared for the worst-case scenario and also dress accordingly. 

Nasty weather can be cold, hot, windy, cloudy, rainy, or maybe raining fire from an active volcano but let’s focus on the most common situations. 

Winter is Coming

During the snowy days, you are not just concerned about getting sick from catching a cold but also the possibility of being trapped at home.  And let’s not forget winter storms that could result in power failures, loss of communication services, and icy roads. So, before winter comes, prepare your home and your car. You could start by; 

  • Waterproofing your home: Insulate any water lines to reduce the possibility of them being frozen, install thermal-pane windows, and repair all roof leaks. Also, don’t forget to cut down tree branches that could fall on your house. 
  • Check your vents, install smoke detectors and a battery-operated carbon monoxide detector; Before the winter season begins, ensure to get your fireplace, furnace, and vent systems checked by a professional. 
  • Stock up on supplies; One thing you don’t want to do during a terrible snowstorm is run to the store to get food or toiletries. Stock up on all essentials, including flashlights and extra batteries. Also, don’t forget to stay warm by covering thick coats, blankets and drinking hot tea or soup. 
  • Get your car prepared; maintenance services on your car should be done before the snow comes. Have the radiator system serviced and add antifreeze if need be. Also, ensure the tires on your car have adequate tread and air pressure. All worn-out tires should be replaced. To avoid your fuel tank and lines getting frozen, keep the gas tank near full.  


Extreme Heat

Heatwaves are categorized by a prolonged period of abnormally high temperature, heat, and humidity.  In situations of extreme heat, the human body is pushed beyond its limit. Exposure to extreme heat may result in dehydration, poor health quality, and other heart disorders. This is why you must take proper care of yourself during such a time. By taking precautions such as; 

  • Check air-conditioning ducts for proper insulation; Before the heatwave, ensure the air cooling system is checked by a professional, and the ducts are properly insulated. 
  • Prepare a first aid kit. 
  • Weatherstrip doors and windows; Cover windows and doors properly to prevent the hot air from coming in. 
  • Wear loose-fitting, lightweight, light-colored clothing. 
  • Stay hydrated; Drink plenty of water, even when you do not feel thirsty, and avoid drinks with caffeine. You should also make it a habit of eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Your body needs them. 
  • Avoid stress; Create time to rest. Stay indoors as much as possible and avoid strenuous exercise during the hottest part of the day. 


Floods and Sinking Houses

In certain parts of the world, rainy seasons are accompanied by storms and floods. Therefore if you find yourself living in such places, you need to protect your home from damages that could compromise its structural integrity. Damages such as water leaks through the roof and ceilings, flooded ground floors, and basements can affect the structural integrity of your home. High winds usually accompany heavy rains, and you need to prevent possible damages the wind may cause. High winds are unpredictable, and you don’t want your home roofs to be blown away by them. Preparing for the rains include; 

  • Personal preparation such as; getting yourself an umbrella, rain boots, and raincoats. Also, you want to ensure you remain warm as well. So, do well to get yourself some thick jackets and sweaters. 
  • Protect important documents; Scan and store important documents in hard drives or cloud. Also, you can store important documents in waterproof safes. 
  • Stock up on groceries and other things you may need. You don’t want to go outside during the rains and risk being carried away by the wind or flood. 
  • Clean gutters; Clean surrounding gutters. Remove leaves and debris before the season so that water can comfortably flow through the gutters. 
  • Check your roof for tears; The roof is the most obvious point of entry for rain. Ask a professional to check for tears and repair any tears before the season. 
  • Get storm doors and windows; Always leave your doors and windows tightly closed. And if you live in a stormy area, do well to get some storm doors and windows. 
  • Get a sump pump; If your basement is susceptible to flooding, consider purchasing a sump pump. And if you have one already, be sure that it is in good condition. 
  • Backup power; Floods and winds can destroy anything from houses to power lines. If there is a power outage, a backup generator can provide enough power to keep the lights and appliances running. 


Also, preparing and surviving nasty weather requires that you are well informed. Therefore, you should tune into weather forecast stations to get first-hand information on weather changes. 

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