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Selecting an internet service provider for your business involves a careful decision-making process

Selecting an internet service provider for your business involves a careful decision-making process

Selecting the ideal internet service provider (ISP) for your business can be a daunting task due to the numerous options available in the market. To make an informed decision, our five-step method for selecting an ISP will provide you with the necessary information to choose the best business broadband connectivity.

 The difference between Shared Networks and Dedicated Networks

When it comes to choosing the best internet plan for your business, it's important to ensure that you're looking at options specifically designed for business use. Residential internet plans might not provide the features and bandwidth your business requires. Once you're looking at business internet plans, the next step is to determine which type of network is the right fit for your needs: shared or dedicated.

Shared networks, also known as "best effort" services, work similarly to residential internet plans. This type of network shares the same features and bandwidth with other users within the area of your internet provider. Shared networks commonly use DSL, cable, shared fiber, wireless, and satellite connections, which makes them cost-effective, especially for small businesses. However, the shared nature of the network can result in lower speeds and issues such as latency.

Dedicated networks, also known as "guaranteed performance" services, offer a higher level of performance and bandwidth for businesses that require more robust internet connectivity. This type of network provides exclusive access to its resources, which means that only one user or device has access to them at any given time. As a result, connectivity is guaranteed to consistently meet stated metrics via a service level agreement (SLA). 

To support dedicated networks, a more responsive team is necessary, which typically leads to higher fees. Guaranteed performance services are described as business-grade, commercial-grade, or enterprise-level internet. The most popular connection types are fiber-optic, copper, and fixed wireless.

It's worth noting that not all fiber-optic services are equal. Hybrid services link a fiber backbone to cable or phone lines for the last mile connectivity to your office. However, true commercial-grade fiber services use fiber all the way to your office, providing the highest level of connectivity and performance.

Choosing between shared and dedicated networks depends on the unique needs of your business. If you require basic internet connectivity for email and web browsing, shared networks might be sufficient. However, if your business relies on VoIP, video conferencing, and powerful cloud services, dedicated networks are the better choice. While dedicated networks might be more expensive, the guaranteed performance and reliability are essential for businesses that rely heavily on their internet connectivity.

The internet speed you need 

Selecting the appropriate bandwidth for your business can be a complex task, even for experienced IT managers. It's not uncommon to end up with too much or too little bandwidth. Even if you make the right choice today, your business needs may change in the future. This can lead to the need to increase or decrease your bandwidth accordingly.

Moreover, it's important to understand that the type of internet service you choose will impact the amount of bandwidth you need. For example, a best effort service may require double the bandwidth of a guaranteed service to ensure that data throughput doesn't slow down during peak usage periods.

To determine the internet speed you need for your business, you should consider several factors. First, think about the tasks you perform on a regular basis and the amount of data you transfer. If your business relies on cloud services, video conferencing, and other bandwidth-intensive applications, you'll need more bandwidth than a business that primarily uses email and web browsing.

Another factor to consider is the number of users and devices on your network. The more users and devices, the more bandwidth you'll need to ensure optimal performance. You should also consider the type of devices you use, as some devices require more bandwidth than others. For example, streaming video on a smartphone requires less bandwidth than streaming on a desktop computer.

When determining the internet speed you need, it's also important to consider future growth. If your business is expanding or you anticipate an increase in users and devices, you may need to choose a higher bandwidth plan to accommodate future needs. Finally, it's a good idea to consult with your ISP to discuss your specific needs and determine the best plan for your business.

The Speed Claim Game

Internet service providers often use misleading marketing tactics when it comes to advertising internet speeds. They tend to focus on speed as a measure of data traffic capacity, using phrases like "fastest internet speed in your area." However, in reality, data packets travel at the same speed, and what customers are really purchasing is bandwidth. The higher the bandwidth, the more data that can be transmitted simultaneously.

This can be a confusing area for businesses trying to choose the right internet plan, as different applications require different amounts of bandwidth. For example, email and basic internet searches require very little bandwidth, while video conferencing, large file transfers, and streaming music require significantly more. As businesses increasingly rely on cloud services, bandwidth utilization has exponentially increased in recent years.

To choose the right amount of bandwidth for your business, it's important to consider the types of applications being used and the amount of data being transferred. Small businesses that use business-grade services like VoIP and some cloud applications on top of email can usually get by with a 10-25 Mbps connection, but those who need to collaborate online or host websites may require 100-150 Mbps or even a gigabit.

To avoid overpaying for excessive unused bandwidth or experiencing slow connection speeds due to maxing out bandwidth, providers can temporarily increase bandwidth and monitor usage to determine the appropriate level. Reports on average and peak usage times can help businesses make informed decisions about their bandwidth needs. Additionally, QoS services can prioritize important traffic like VoIP to maintain call quality during times of high congestion.

Ensuring dependable customer support

Reliable customer support is a crucial factor to consider when selecting an Internet Service Provider (ISP) for your business. One area to look for in customer support is the availability of usage reports and the ability to scale bandwidth as your business needs grow. This can help minimize stress and ensure that your business operations run smoothly without any hiccups.

In addition, it's important to consider your expectations for customer support. If your business heavily relies on broadband internet, then you'll want to have direct access to 24/7 technical support. While mainstream customer service may be sufficient for some issues, downtime or severely impacted services require immediate attention from knowledgeable support teams with technical expertise in business applications.

A reliable ISP should offer a range of customer support options, including phone, email, and chat support. Look for ISPs that have experienced and knowledgeable support technicians who can quickly troubleshoot any issues you may encounter. They should be able to guide you through any technical difficulties and provide timely and effective solutions to keep your business running smoothly.

Furthermore, a good ISP should provide proactive customer support, such as regular check-ins to ensure that your network is functioning optimally. They should also be transparent about their service-level agreements (SLAs) and provide regular reports on network performance to ensure that you are getting the service you are paying for.

Lastly, consider the reputation of the ISP for customer support. Look for customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the level of satisfaction among existing customers. A good ISP should have a track record of delivering reliable and responsive customer support that exceeds customer expectations.


The availability of internet services varies widely from location to location. This is because building and maintaining a network is a costly affair, especially for wired networks like fiber. In the past, fiber networks were seen as the only solution for those seeking high-speed internet connections. However, in recent years, fixed wireless and satellite services have become viable options for those in areas where wired networks are not available or too expensive to install.

To find an available internet service provider in your area, it is important to search by zip code. This is because not all ISPs are available in every location due to infrastructure limitations and coverage areas. Searching by zip code can help you identify which ISPs are available in your specific area and what types of services they offer. 

Additionally, it is important to consider the future availability of internet services in your area. ISPs may have plans to expand their coverage areas in the future, so it is worth checking with them periodically to see if new options have become available.

When considering the availability of internet services, it is also important to keep in mind that some areas may have limited options due to factors like geographic location or population density. For example, rural areas may have fewer options for high-speed internet services due to a lack of infrastructure or a smaller customer base. In some cases, government initiatives and subsidies may be available to encourage ISPs to invest in underserved areas and expand their coverage.

Reliable standing or image.

Before committing to an internet service provider, it is crucial to conduct research to ensure that you are making an informed decision. This decision is significant and can impact your business operations, so it is important to consider several factors before signing a contract.


Quality of Internet Services

For assessing the quality of internet service, it is important to start with examining the specifications of the service and comparing them side-by-side with other providers. Obtaining three quotes with specifications can help you determine the advantages and disadvantages of each. Additionally, if you are using cloud services like VoIP, it is advisable to ask your VoIP provider for recommended specifications. 

The key specifications to focus on are uptime, latency, and packet loss. In this regard, having a Service Level Agreement (SLA) can be particularly helpful. An SLA outlines the provider's service guarantees, and the solutions that will be provided if the service does not perform as promised, such as service credits for impaired performance and the option to terminate the contract for outages.


Having a backup

In order to ensure that your business operations remain uninterrupted, it's important to consider having a backup internet connection in case of outages. While all ISPs are prone to outages, selecting a provider that offers path and network diversity can provide redundancy and business continuity. It's crucial to ensure that your backup connection is not delivered through the same network as your primary connection, as many ISPs resell another carrier's service. 

Additionally, fiber carriers are often delivered in the same conduit, which means that all carriers in the conduit may be affected if one carrier's fiber is damaged. For the best possible protection, it's recommended to have a fixed wireless connection and a wired or fiber connection as backup.


Evaluate customer feedback

Third-party reviews, customer feedback, and case studies provide valuable insights into a product or service. It's important to keep in mind that all products and services receive both positive and negative reviews. It's crucial to analyze the trends in these reviews and feedback to form an accurate picture of the overall quality and reputation of the product or service.

In conclusion, choosing the right business internet service provider is a critical decision that can impact the productivity and profitability of your business. By taking the time to assess your specific needs, researching available options, and evaluating providers based on key factors such as speed, reliability, and customer support, you can make an informed decision that meets your requirements and sets your business up for success. Remember to consider internet redundancy and quality as well as customer appraisals when making your final decision. With the right provider and plan in place, you can stay connected, competitive, and prepared for whatever the future brings.

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