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Nomad Smart Hub Behind the Scenes Part 1

Nomad Smart Hub Behind the Scenes Part 1

It doesn’t get more convenient than vending machines - right? Vending machines are there for you when you’re having a shop-till-you-drop day and begin craving a cold soda like never before. They’re there for you when you’re at work and forget to pack your favorite snack to munch on during that Zoom call. And hey - sometimes vending machines even carry a skincare product, tech gadget, or hair serum you’ve had an eye on! Vending machines have evolved far more than we could have ever imagined - what was once a food and beverage solution has now transformed into so much more!

At Nomad Internet, we brainstormed what it would be like to take the convenience of vending machines and incorporate them with our internet solution lineup. We know, sounds impossible - right? Ladies and gentlemen, we’re proud to say that the day has arrived! Buckle up, this innovative solution will make your internet dreams a reality within minutes (you heard that right, same day pickup).



The Nomad Internet Smart Hub is a first of its kind pick-up internet vending machine. If you’re currently scratching your head as you read this - don’t worry! Here’s a breakdown on this brand new internet solution.

The days of waiting for your internet to be installed at home are over.

This vending machine is a dream come true! Instead of waiting on a team to come out to your place, sitting on hold with an internet provider, or signing never-ending contracts, you get fast, unlimited internet in minutes. The Nomad Internet Smart Hub allows for same-day pickup for new internet accounts!

The days of waiting at home for your internet to be installed are over! No credit checks. No contracts. No data caps, period. Finally, you have wireless connection that is completely unlimited, uncapped, and unthrottled.

One QR code, unlimited internet connection.

Nothing says convenience like a good ol’ QR code. Since The Nomad Internet Smart Hub is all about convenience, we’ve made sure to include a QR code at every hub! Every Nomad Smart Hub displays a QR Code that you can scan to activate your Nomad Air Modem after purchase so you can immediately start using it! 

Where can your new internet be used? Nomad Internet can be used on the go, at your home, or at your business, with speeds up to 200 Mbps with unlimited and unthrottled data.

Still not sure? Try before you buy with FREE internet at every Hub location.

This might be the best part - when you spot one of these Hubs near you just remember they actually double as a FREE internet hotspot! If you’ve always wanted to give Nomad Internet a try but haven’t gone all in, we get it. It’s always a good idea to give something a shot before jumping feet-first! For those who’ve been curious - give Nomad Internet a try at The Nomad Internet Smart Hub in your area!

Activate in minutes - not weeks.

Let’s just say internet providers have quite the reputation. We know, there’s nothing more frustrating than expecting fast, reliable internet with an easy set-up and instead getting slow, frustrating service with difficult onboarding. With this in mind, we designed The Nomad Internet Smart Hub to provide internet in minutes. Just walk up to the Nomad Internet Vending Machine, choose the Nomad Air Modem you would like, pay with a credit card or Apple Pay, and in seconds, our vending machine will dispense you a Nomad Air ready-to-use!

Keep a close eye out for your nearest Nomad Hub Spot at Travel Centers, RV Parks, Sporting Goods Stores, and more near you.


We want a Nomad Internet Smart Hub near you!

We know our core audience are the adventures and travelers of the planet. No spot is too rural, out there, or unknown! Please contact us at to secure one of these brand new hubs near you.

Congrats, Nomads! Together, we’re on our way to meeting up and connecting at a brand new Nomad Internet Smart Hub in your city, travel stop, or temporary home away from home. We’re so excited to hear your thoughts and see your journey with brand new internet setup at previously impossible speeds! And remember, if you ever need speedy WiFi on the go - keep your eyes peeled and look for one of these Hubs to connect to fast, free, and secure internet at no cost.

We’re always available, reach out if you have any questions.

See you soon at a Nomad Hub near you.

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