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How Nomad Internet is Fulfilling Unmet Customer Needs

How Nomad Internet is Fulfilling Unmet Customer Needs

Ever since its inception in 2017, Nomad Internet has become one of the largest internet service-providing companies in the United States. Now, there’s a reason behind us becoming that big – a vision that’s driven to serve people who have been left, people whose needs are unmet.

Nomad Internet’s major focus is on providing internet services for rural areas. To people who live far away locations in the United States. Locations that are remote. Locations that are isolated.

And believe it or not, no other company has yet come close to what we are doing. No other company has been able to provide that good of an internet connection in the rural areas that Nomad Internet has provided. That’s why people have been opting for our services more than ever.

Our company had a mission to serve the underserved, especially in the rural areas – ever since it was founded. Slowly company got off the ground, grew into something that’s more popular than ever, and is now adopting a big-tech mentality.

Not only Nomad Internet is taking developmental cues from its ever-growing customer base, but we are also reaching out to new customers in the cities to learn what internet issues are still there on the ground and how they can expand their services in the cities too.

Right now, the plan of Nomad Internet is simple – capitalize on the existing customer base, which is people in rural areas, RV park owners, and digital nomads but also try to disrupt the internet industry that has evolved throughout the years in big metropolitan cities.


Revolutionary Internet Solutions for Rural Areas

As soon as Nomad Internet was launched, the first thing that our company did, the first customers that company reached were the people living in rural areas.

The reason behind doing this was simple – a lot of communities that live in rural remote or isolated locations are just way too far from the point-to-point internet facility. They are so far away that sometimes even the mobile network does not reach there. So, how could one expect the rural internet services to be there?

But overcoming this hurdle was not an easy thing to do. The infrastructure issues were big. The best cellular solution was required and that’s why Nomad Internet partnered with Verizon. Verizon helped us with the infrastructure setup in the rural areas. Therefore, fixed internet resolutions that were once a pipedream for people living in rural communities became a reality. Nomad Internet made the dream of high-speed, reliable connections a reality.

And what’s amazing is that we didn’t stop there. We took a step towards enhancing our service by tapping into a C-band delivery system, utilizing technology previously used by the government.

We went on to become the pioneers in introducing C-band modems directly to households within the wireless ISP sector. Cube was developed, which is a residential C-band modem, enabling users to smoothly carry out their daily activities, including working remotely, streaming TV, and even gaming.

This advanced modem has already revolutionized the experience for Nomad Internet customers.

Nomad Internet has time and again proved that the true distinction lies not just in our company's innovation, but in our dedication to understanding and catering to each individual client.


Customer Support That Fulfills Customer Needs

The customer support team of Nomad Internet has been nothing short of excellent. The support that the customers get from them is just amazing. With the customer support, sits the development team that constantly keeps an eye on the needs and feedback of the customers. Their goal is to identify the gaps, the needs that are still unmet, and the problems that are still there, and to monitor the updates that the company rolled out but were not well perceived by the customers.

In totality, the customer and development team is on a critical mission to roll out the best products and tech they can and get true customer feedback on it so that their services are better placed towards catering to the customers.

Recently, Nomad Internet announced that they are launching another new modem that’s going to be specifically for people living in rural areas. Its initial name to it was given “Nomad Rural One”. The work is still being done in that direction and we can hope of its launching sooner than later.

This new product is going to be special. The focus is to serve rural areas that still don’t have 5G internet services and that is what Nomad Rural One is all about. Also, we are trying to make it a self-customizable modem, which is quite an innovation.

Nomad Internet has only one goal – keep expanding our internet services to new communities, untouched locations, and to people who don’t have been left out for no specific reason.

And we are doing this in the best way possible – by listening to what customers need, listening to their feedback, and taking into consideration what exactly is required by the people on the ground.

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