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6 Tips for First-Time RVers

6 Tips for First-Time RVers

As a first-time RVer, everything can be both exciting and confusing. However, you shouldn’t feel overwhelmed by all the emotions and prospects of what you can achieve in this chosen lifestyle. In order to relieve some of your stress, we gathered the following 6 tips that all first-time RVers will find helpful.

1. Take your time

If there is one thing you can easily afford living an RVer lifestyle, that has to be the advantage of time. For that reason, you do not want to rush into doing anything. Assign as much time as you want to any task that you might want to accomplish on a given day.

When planning on driving daily or camping at a particular spot, always dedicate an appropriate amount of time towards that. Do not let special moments pass just because you were in a hurry to try out another site. You have all the time you need to do that some other day.

A rule of thumb that most experienced RVers suggest beginners follow is that they should not drive more than 300 miles without setting camp to enjoy the area. You may also consider adding a rule that you do not drive past 3 PM.

2. Ask as many questions as you can

One thing about the many RV communities you can find online is that everyone is on a learning path, just as you are. If you encounter a challenge and haven’t figured the way around it, do not refrain from asking. When you ask, you give yourself a chance to learn or find more effective ways to accomplish the task at hand.

No matter how long someone has been living on the road, there will always be something new that they have no idea about. That is why these online RV communities exist. They allow you to learn from someone else.

3. Create flexible plans

When starting the RV experience, keep in mind that a lot can happen while moving. It could be an abrupt change in weather or meet an exciting event along the way. In other cases, the RV may need repairs while on the road.

As such, create the most flexible plans that let you adjust to new developments. Failure to have flexible plans ranks as one reason first-time RVers find it hard to fit in the lifestyle.

4. Carry your toolkit

As mentioned above, anything can happen anytime. You may try to anticipate some things, but you can never cover everything. Prepare for the kind of things that you thought would not be of use by carrying your toolkit.

The toolkit should have scissors, duct tape, Allen or hex wrenches, zip ties, rubber bands, lots of towels for noise buffing, and much more tools that can tackle the unanticipated.

5. Carry along enough cookware

If the RV incorporates a stove and kitchen tools, you should confirm that it has silverware, cutting boards, pans, and enough sharp knives. In the case of a rented RVer, most renting companies often have a policy that you can replace faulty cookware and seek reimbursement.

6. Do not forget the Internet connection

As you set out on the RVer path, you also need to connect with the friends you leave behind. The best way to do so is through communication channels like social networks and chat apps. Getting an Internet connection for the RV should be among the things you should plan.

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